
ICI Viewpoints

2020 Investment Company Fact Book: Letter from the Chief Economist

A version of this letter by ICI Chief Economist Sean Collins was released in the Institute’s 60th...
ICI Viewpoints

2020 Investment Company Fact Book: Letter from the President and CEO

This ICI Viewpoints is a version of a letter from ICI President and CEO Paul Schott Stevens that was...
ICI Viewpoints

Investing Basics: 529 Savings Plans

One thing you can expect when you’re expecting a baby is to pay a lot for diapers—you might pay...
ICI Viewpoints

Investing Basics: Tax Benefits to Encourage Saving

To encourage people to save, federal and state governments offer special tax treatment for savings...
ICI Viewpoints

Investing Basics: The Benefits of Mutual Funds

We’ve reached the halfway point in this series, and we’ve covered a lot of ground: the benefits of...
ICI Viewpoints

Investing Basics: Dollar-Cost Averaging

Emotions are the enemy of successful investing. For long-term investors, dollar-cost averaging is a...
ICI Viewpoints

Investing Basics: Diversification

Eggs play a starring role in diversification’s ubiquitous analogy—one we used in the Investing Road...
ICI Viewpoints

Investing Basics: Types of Investments

Two of the most common investments are stocks and bonds. Chances are if you own a portfolio of...
ICI Viewpoints

Talkin’ ’Bout the Generations: ICI Research on Mutual Fund Ownership by Generation

Talk about the differences between generations is a hot topic in today’s cultural conversation. And...