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ICI Welcomes Senate Confirmation of Crenshaw and Peirce as SEC Commissioners

Washington, DC; August 7, 2020Investment Company Institute (ICI) President and CEO Paul Schott Stevens issued the following statement after the US Senate confirmed Caroline Crenshaw to serve as a commissioner and Hester Peirce to continue serving as a commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC):

“ICI welcomes the confirmation of Caroline Crenshaw and Hester Peirce, both of whom are highly knowledgeable and experienced professionals. Crenshaw’s legal work in the military, the private sector, and at the SEC make her a valuable addition to the Commission. Peirce’s academic and public service background and current distinguished tenure on the SEC provide valuable insight and continuity as we fight through the challenges surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. We look forward to working with them on issues important to the regulated fund industry and its shareholders.”