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News Release

ICI Study: Mutual Fund Shareholders' Risk Tolerance Has Not Rebounded Since the Financial Crisis

ICI Study: Mutual Fund Shareholders’ Risk Tolerance Has Not Rebounded Since the Financial Crisis...
News Release

The Economics of Providing 401(k) Plans, 2009

Average Expense Ratios Edged Up for Stock and Bond Funds in 401(k) Plans in 2009 Study Shows 401(k)...
News Release

Retirement Snapshot, First Quarter 2010

Retirement Snapshot, First Quarter 2010 Investors Staying the Course, Assets Are Up Washington, DC...
News Release

New IRA Investor Research Project Taps Account-Level Data for Additional Insight into IRA Use

New IRA Investor Research Project Taps Account-Level Data for Additional Insight into IRA Use First...
News Release

ICI Statement on Enactment of Financial Regulatory Reform Bill

ICI Statement on Enactment of Financial Regulatory Reform Bill Washington, DC, July 21, 2010 - Today...
News Release

University of Maryland to Receive ICI Education Foundation Grant for Investor Education Programs

University of Maryland to Receive ICI Education Foundation Grant for Investor Education Programs...
News Release

State Street's James Ross to Lead Industry ETF Efforts

State Street’s James Ross to Lead Industry ETF Efforts Washington, DC, June 7, 2010 - The Investment...
News Release

ICI Statement on U.S. Senate Approval of Regulatory Reform Bill

ICI Statement on U.S. Senate Approval of Regulatory Reform Bill Washington, DC, May 21, 2010 - ICI...
News Release

ICI Supports Final Recommendations of the Tri-Party Repo Infrastructure Reform Task Force

ICI Supports Final Recommendations of the Tri-Party Repo Infrastructure Reform Task Force Washington...