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News Release

ICI Statement on FSOC Request for Comment on Asset Management and Financial Stability

ICI Statement on FSOC Request for Comment on Asset Management and Financial Stability Washington, DC...
News Release

ICI Statement on SEC Chair White’s Speech on Asset Management Regulation

ICI Statement on SEC Chair White’s Speech on Asset Management Regulation Washington, DC, December 11...
News Release

ICI Statement on SEC Role in Financial Stability

ICI Statement on SEC Role in Financial Stability Washington, DC, September 8, 2014 — In response to...
News Release

ICI: FSOC Seeking "Pretexts" to Designate Funds

ICI: FSOC Seeking “Pretexts” to Designate Funds Washington, DC, April 24, 2014 - ICI President and...
News Release

ICI: G-SIFI Designation of Regulated Funds Unnecessary and Inappropriate, Would Harm Investors

ICI: G-SIFI Designation of Regulated Funds Unnecessary and Inappropriate, Would Harm Investors FSB...
News Release

ICI and ICI Global Respond to Financial Stability Board's Consultation on Global Systemically Import...

ICI and ICI Global Respond to Financial Stability Board’s Consultation on Global Systemically...
News Release

Study on Asset Management 'Falls Far Short,' Says ICI

Study on Asset Management ‘Falls Far Short,’ Says ICI ICI Letter to SEC Calls for Withdrawal of...
News Release

ICI Statement on U.S. Senate Approval of Regulatory Reform Bill

ICI Statement on U.S. Senate Approval of Regulatory Reform Bill Washington, DC, May 21, 2010 - ICI...