Policy Priorities

Comment Letters

Comment Letter

ICI Global Response to ESMA Consultation on ELTIF Regulatory Technical Standards

ICI Global welcomes the changes to the ELTIF primary legislation. Market experience has shown that...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter to FSB on Third-Party Risk Management and Oversight

On August 21, 2023, ICI submitted a response to the Financial Stability Board's consultation...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on the Need to Account for the Aggregated Impact of the Commission’s Rulemaking

ICI recently submitted this letter to the SEC noting that it has issued a wide range of...
Comment Letter

ICI and IDC Joint Comment Letter to the PCAOB's Proposed Amendments

On August 7, 2023, the Investment Company Institute and Independent Directors Council filed a joint...
Comment Letter

ICI Supplemental Comment Letter on Proposed Names Rule Amendments

On July 31, ICI submitted a letter supplementing our comments on the SEC's proposed amendments (...
Comment Letter

ICI Global Response to Australian Treasury Second Consultation on Climate-Related Financial Disclosu...

ICI Global submitted the attached response to the Australian Treasury on its second consultation on...
Comment Letter

ICI Global Comment Letter on Updating and Improving the UK Regime for Asset Managers

In February, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published a discussion paper on updating and...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on SEC's Cybersecurity Risk Management

The Investment Company Institute appreciates the opportunity to provide its comments on the proposal...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on NYDFS Industry Guidance Proposal

The Investment Company Institute (“ICI”) submitted this comment on the Industry Guidance (the...