
Comment Letter

ICI Response to Financial Conduct Authority Consultation on Article 23A of the UK Benchmarks Regulat...

News Release

ICI Congratulates President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris

ICI Congratulates President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris Washington, DC; January 20, 2021...
Comment Letter

ICI Response to Financial Conduct Authority Consultation on Article 23D of UK Benchmarks Regulation ...

Comment Letter

ICI Response to the ICE Benchmark Administration Consultation on Potential Cessation (pdf)

ICI Viewpoints

2020 Annual Report to Members: Roundtable: The Fund Industry’s Response to COVID-19

For the 2020 Annual Report to Members, three members of ICI’s leadership sat down to share their...
Letters to the Editor & Responses

L’Europe devrait chercher avec l’administration Biden un accord sur une norme minimale d’information...

Dès son entrée en fonctions, Joe Biden va réengager les États-Unis dans l’accord de Paris sur le...
Letters to the Editor & Responses

Europe Should Seek an Agreement with the Biden Administration on Minimum Standard for Corporate Non-...

On his first day in office, Joe Biden promises to bring the US back into the Paris Agreement on...
Comment Letter

ICI Amicus Brief Supporting the SEC's Order to Reform NMS Equity Data Plan Governance (pdf)

ICI Viewpoints

2020 Annual Report to Members: A Conversation with Paul Schott Stevens

Paul Schott Stevens, ICI’s longest-serving chief executive, retired at the end of 2020. As he neared...