
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on NYDFS Industry Guidance Proposal

The Investment Company Institute (“ICI”) submitted this comment on the Industry Guidance (the...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on SEC’s Best Execution and Order Competition Proposal

On March 31, 2023, ICI filed a comment letter on the SEC's proposals for Regulation Best Execution...

ICI President’s Address, 2023 Investment Management Conference

It’s always a pleasure to address members of the most important industry in finance. And it’s a...
White Paper

Board Oversight of Derivatives (pdf)

Comment Letter

ICI Global Response to FCA on Future Disclosure Framework

The Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) discussion paper on the Future Disclosure Framework seeks...
Comment Letter

ICI Global Response to Consultation on PRIIPS and UK Retail Disclosure

ICI Global recently submitted a comment letter in response to a consultation issued by HM Treasury...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on Open-End Fund Liquidity Risk Management Programs and Swing Pricing

ICI submitted a comment letter to the SEC's on their proposal for liquidity, swing pricing, hard...
News Release

ICI: Mandatory Swing Pricing Would Harm Millions of American Investors

The SEC’s liquidity, swing pricing, and hard close proposal would seriously harm the more than 100...
News Release

IDC Statement on SEC Swing Pricing Proposal

IDC Managing Director Thomas Kim released the following statement regarding the Securities and...