
Comment Letter

ICI Global Letter To Swiss Government Proposing Procedures By Which US Funds Establish Treaty Eligib...

Comment Letter

Recommendations for 2016-2017 Treasury/IRS Priority Guidance Plan―Retirement Plan Items (pdf)

Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter to FINCEN on Proposed Changes to FBAR Rules (pdf)

Comment Letter

Letter from ICI President and CEO Paul Schott Stevens on Financial Transaction Tax to Representative...

ICI Viewpoints

How America Supports Retirement: The Incentive to Save Is Not Upside Down

In my new book, How America Supports Retirement: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom on Who Benefits...
ICI Viewpoints

How America Supports Retirement: What Do Tax Rates Have to Do with the Benefits of Tax Deferral? Les...

In my new book, How America Supports Retirement: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom on Who Benefits...
ICI Viewpoints

How America Supports Retirement: No, Benefits Are Not “Tilted” to the Higher Earners

Second in a series of ICI Viewpoints. In my new book, How America Supports Retirement: Challenging...
ICI Viewpoints

How America Supports Retirement: Tackling the Myths That Surround Us

America’s retirement system isn’t perfect but it’s a lot stronger than many people think. Whether by...
Comment Letter

ICI Global Submission to India Responding to Draft Guidance on Place of Effective Management Tax Iss...